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Champlain Valley Brew Fest

Champlain Valley Transportation Museum Plattsburgh, New York, USA

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Additional Details

SATURDAY SEPTEMBEER 19th 2 sessions 1-4pm & 5-8pm FEATURNG OVER 20 BEERS FROM LOCAL AND REGIONAL BREWERIES INCLUDING: PLATTSBURGH BREWING COMPANY AUSABLE BREWING COMANY LIVING GOODS 14TH STAR BREWING COMPANY ST. LAWRENCE BREWING COMPANY DAVIDSON BROTHERS GREAT ADIRONDACK SWITCHBACK BREWNG COMPANY MACADAMS DISTRIBUTING HIGH PEAKS DISRIBUTING Don't miss this fun, lively beer tasting, featuring over 25 brews.  Enjoy live musical entertainment by Standard Deviations, West End Park and The Duo.  Food will be provided by Conroy Organics, Blue Collar Bistro & Plattsburgh Brewing. Proceeds benefit the Champlain Valley Transportation Museum and the new Kids' Station.