Pennsylvania Microbrewers Fest
Penn Brewery
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
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Additional Details
Penn Brewery has been hosting the Pennsylvania Microbrewers’ Fest since 1995. That’s a long time by craft beer festival standards, and the beer fest scene has changed a lot over those two-plus decades. It is with both great pride (and some wistfulness) that we’ve decided that our 2016 Fest will also be our final fest in its present format. Will Penn still continue to host beer fests and special events? You bet! But we’ll be updating our Fest format in the years to come to ensure that you’ll enjoy a unique and appealing experience.
In the meantime, the 2016 Microbrewers’ Fest will salute Penn’s 30th year with a special Throwback Weekend celebrating 1986!
Our official birthday celebration kicks off the evening of Friday, June 3th. We’ll turn back the clock with an 80’s biergarten bash featuring DJ Zimmie playing the best music of the era. Then on Saturday, June 4th, the festivities continue with the farewell installment of the Pennsylvania Microbrewers’ Fest. Here’s what you need to know:
More than two dozen craft breweries will be pouring samples. We’ve asked all of the breweries to bring their hard-to-find or exclusive beers so guests can try something new and different.
Special guests include 80’s favorites: radio jocks Jimmy & Steve, and Norm Nardini live! A hairier (though equally beloved), western PA icon, Punxsutawney Phil, will also join us for a meet & greet.
Fest Tickets will go on sale on Showclix beginning April 1. We’ll be offering both a base ticket option and our popular VIP package. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets!
Basic ticket: includes admission from 5-8 pm, commemorative sampling glass & all beer samples, a buffet meal (sandwich, side, and beverage), and live entertainment. Price $50.
VIP package: Get a head start on the beer samples! Package includes basic ticket plus early admission at 4pm, logoed pint glass (to be picked up at exit) and appetizers. Price $65; a total of 200 VIP packages are available for sale.
We’ll be updating the Fest details regularly, so please check www.pennbrew.com for the latest information.