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Rapscallion Brewery on Hyland Orchard Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA

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Additional Details

Winterfest is the first of four Rapscallion annual festivals marking the release of a seasonal beer. This year they will have the following on tap: Winterfest 2020 Imperial Stout – A dark and complex ale brewed with a variety of malts creating a beautifully smooth and rich body with notes of dark chocolate, coffee, dark fruits, and caramel. 10% abv Winterfest 2019 Double Maple Brown – A bold double brown ale brewed with local maple syrup, a perfect beer to warm your bones and sweeten the season. 8.5% abv Winterfest 2018 Belgian Quad – Made with Belgian malts and yeast, it is a rich and malty deep red ale with notes of raisin, fig, date, cherry, and plum. 9% ABV. Be sure to get there early if you want a glass of ’18 – as it’s our last keg available! FOOD TRUCK ON-SITE. DOG & FAMILY FRIENDLY! FREE TO ATTEND! Live music in the Tap Room.