Ratebeer Best Beer Festival
Private Hangar at Kaiser Air
Santa Rosa, California, USA
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Additional Details
RateBeer Best Beer Festival is these second day event of the RateBeer Best live program, bringing together over 40 top brewers from around the world to celebrate global craft beer under one roof. The event offers beer enthusiasts an unprecedented opportunity to try top beers from around the world -- the very first event of its type and magnitude. We are very happy to host it here in Santa Rosa, California.
While hundreds or thousands of breweries may have been interested in attending, the human-scale limits on this event are part of our goal. Our mission is to deliver meaningful, qualitative and personal event experiences that are in line with an artisanal ethos of not only being responsible positive contributors on global, industry and community scales, but also on the indivudal human scale.
We want you to have a memorable time and an enriching experience. Enjoy!
Early Access admits the ticketholder to a one-hour session before the main event, providing the opportunity to sample a greater range of offerings.