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Frequently Asked Questions

Save time and review the FAQ before contacting support as the answer
to your question is most likely addressed below

  • Any time you make a purchase using our platform you will be given an option to print a receipt immediately after purchase, as well as an automatic email with the purchase details, and event information. 

  • Each event has its own specific refund policy. Please check the fine print of your event for details for specifics. If you are able to request a refund, please contact the event organizer directly. If a refund is granted, only the base ticket price will be refunded. All service/transaction fees will not be refunded.

  • Our tickets are PDF files, so you'll need to install Adobe Reader (or another PDF reader of your choice) on your computer to open and print your tickets. Adobe Reader can be downloaded here and is completely free.

  • Yes - if you opted in to receive tickets via SMS you can use this option instead of a PDF ticket at the event.

  • Please write down your order confirmation number and present that information at the door. You may also be required to show proof of ID to confirm your purchase.

  • Most of the time, these double charges occur because of a mismatch in your billing address versus the mailing address associated with your credit card. If you received an error message that resulted in re-submitting your billing information, and the attempt failed, the transaction might be listed as pending.

    Give your financial institution a call and have them take a closer look at the charges. If the charges are indeed listed as pending, they should go away in 2-4 business days. If you believe there is an error that is not pending, please reach out to [email protected] for additional assistance.

  • First, please check your spam folder to see if the email & tickets ended up there by mistake.

    If you would like us to resend your tickets, please email [email protected] with the information you entered at check-out including: name, email, date of purchase, and event. We will be happy to re-send your tickets

  • There are a few ways to send a ticket: You can forward your tickets email to your friend. You can download each ticket individually to your computer, and then send it to your friend. Just make sure that you are sending each unique ticket and not the same tickets you will use. You can print the tickets and send them in the mail or give them to your friend in person.

  • Please reach out to the event organizer whose information is located on the ticketing page. They will be able to answer any specific questions relating to the beer fest.

  • We greatly apologize for the difficulties! Please email [email protected] with as much information as you can provide about the error/issue including: name, email address, event you wish to purchase tickets to, description of the issue, screen shot (if applicable), and what internet browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari...etc). We will verify that your order did not still go through and contact you with next steps or a resolution.

I Can't Find My Tickets

Tickets are tied to your email. If it is not in your spam account it may have been misentered during checkout. Use the form below in this case.

Still would like to talk to someone? We're here to help

Save time and review the FAQ before contacting support as your question has most likely already been answered or a step is required before we can begin to help you.

Or Call 800-801-FEST
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm EST