Oktoberfest Boston
The Castle @ The Park Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Sidebar menu
Upcoming Dates
There are no upcoming dates but check back soon.
Additional Details
Enjoy unlimited sampling of over 40 traditional German and American Oktoberfest beers, including:
Backlash Ricochet | Baxter Hayride | Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin | Foolproof Raincloud Porter | Hacker-Pscorr Oktoberfest, Maibock | Harpoon Octoberfest | Hofbrau Oktoberfest, Maibock | Leinenkugel Harvest Patch | Long Trail Harvest | Notch Pils | Not Your Father's Rootbeer | Otter Creek Fresh Slice | Paulaner Hefeweizen, Oktoberfest, Pils | Peak Organic Oktoberfest | Sam Adams Jack-O Traveler, Oktoberfest | The Shed Mountain Ale | Shiner White Wing, Oktoberfest | Shipyard Pumpkinhead, Smashed Pumpkin | Two Roads Roadsmary's Baby | Warsteiner Pils, Oktoberfest, Konig Ludwig Dunkel | Wormtown Pumpkin, Be Hoppy | Wolavers Pumpkin | Woodchuck Pumpkin
Access to the Beer Garden, offering full and half-pint pours of your favorite beer from: Sam Adams, Harpoon, Shipyard, Paulaner, Notch, Warsteiner, Blue Moon, Hacker-Pscorr, and Hofbrau...
*The Boston Oktoberfest Girls, wearing traditional Bavarian dirndls and serving your favorite brews!
*DJ's serving up Authentic Oktoberfest Ooompah music, The Shipyard Pumpkin Patch, and the Sam Adams Raise A Stein contest!
Choose from 3 sessions:
Friday 6-10pm | Saturday 1-5pm | Saturday 6-10pm
A chance to win a trip to Munich to Oktoberfest:
Tthree strongest men and women from around the country will compete in the ultimate arena…on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Qualify at Oktoberfest by having one of the top three longest times in the country (male and female) and you and a guest will be off to Los Angeles for a three day, two night trip to compete for the national title on Jimmy Kimmel Live!